Managing director of Hamedan Regional Water Company was honored

According to the Public Relations Department of Hamedan Regional Water Company, Mohammad Nasser Nikbakht, the governor of Hamedan, thanked engineer Mansour Sotoudeh, the managing director of the regional water company.


Saving 8 million m 3 in water resources of the city of Famenin

The Deputy Director for Protection and Exploitation of Hamedan Regional Water Company said that by filling the number of 78 unregistered wells, more than 8 million cubic meters of water was saved in the city.


Managing director of Hamedan Regional Water Company was honored

Managing director of Hamedan Regional Water Company was honored by the governor


Smart meter installation on 40% of the water wells of Asadabad city

Asad Abad City Water Resources Director said 40 percent of the water wells in the city are covered by smart meters.

At the 21st meeting of the Water Resources Conservation Council in Rosneft,

Filling in 495 unauthorized wells in the city of Razan

According to the Public Relations Department of Hamedan Regional Water Company, Mohammad Chardalli, at the Water Resources Conservation Council of Razan, said that since the beginning of the implementation of the plan to restore and balance the district in the city, 495 illegal wells have been blocked.


New Year's utilities industry executives Friday prayer Hamedan province

CEOs utility industry in the province to celebrate the new year with a representative of the Supreme Leader met.

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