Saving 8 million m 3 in water resources of the city of Famenin

The Deputy Director for Protection and Exploitation of Hamedan Regional Water Company said that by filling the number of 78 unregistered wells, more than 8 million cubic meters of water was saved in the city.

According to the Public Relations Department of Hamedan Regional Water Company, at the beginning of the meeting, Engineer Davood Shahsavand, Deputy Director of Protection and Exploitation of Hamedan Regional Water Company, said: since the beginning of the implementation of the recovery plan, the number of 78 unregulated wells has been filled in the city. Has saved more than 8 million cubic meters of water in the city's water resources.
According to the monitoring and control over the operation of wells in the city, 267 smart meters have been installed so far.
Shahsavand referred to the government's decision to adapt to dehydration: the adoption of this meeting will include the control of spring crops, the prohibition of rice cultivation, the delivery of water at the ceiling of operation hours, and so on.
He said the reduction of up to 30 percent of the green space in the municipality and administrative departments by the end of the year was another of the resolutions, saying that defining the pattern of water consumption in order to avoid excessive consumption of water from other decisions.
The Deputy Director for the Protection and Exploitation of the Regional Water Company of Hamedan continued: The annual discharge rate of Famenin is 95 million cubic meters, which should be reduced to 90 million cubic meters.
Shahsavand said: "It is foreseen that virtual wells that operate more than the permissible license will be calculated for electricity consumed by commercial tariffs.
He added: "Our priority in the whole province is by supplying drinking water to dear citizens, and we are trying to prevent any township from having a problem."
In the follow up to this meeting, the governor of the city, Seyyed Majid Shaibi, said that water is national capital and that the exploitation of this divine blessing should be conducted with due observance and sensitivity, said: Our future generations and future generations need water resources, and this important capital And life-threatening as much as needed, and in this regard, I expect city water affairs to develop a short-term, short-term, long-term, and long-term scheduled water conservation program.
He added: "Water is one of the major infrastructures in economic and agricultural development, and its proper management is very necessary for us."
"In the warm seasons, drinking water needs some of the villages with a lot of difficulty and mobile water supply, and this shows the importance of utilizing water resources, and we need to be informed with the timely awareness of the issue of water saving, Shabi said.
Governor Famenin referred to the decrease in rainfall in Famenin city and said: Today's situation is not comparable to the past of Faminin; in the past, a variety of agricultural products was cultivated that needed a lot of water, but today must be watered products in the city.

News code: 1284
  News Date : 2018-05-03



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