81% of the volume of the Ekbatan dam was filled

Managing director of Hamedan Regional Water Company announced the completion of 81% of Ekbatan reservoir storage capacity

According to the Public Relations Department of Hamedan Regional Water Company, engineer Mansour Sotoudeh said: 27 million 240 thousand cubic meters, equivalent to 81 percent of Ekbatan dam storage volume.
He said the amount of water entering the dam is 6,373 liters per second and the output is 302 liters used to supply drinking water to citizens of Hamadan.
Sotoudeh said: Since the beginning of the Blue Year 96-97, 25 million and 200 thousand cubic meters of water has entered the dam, which was 54 million and 500 thousand cubic meters in the same period last year.
He said the amount of water released from the Ekbatan dam for drinking was 16.6 million cubic meters, which was 17.9 million cubic meters in the same period last year.
The director of the regional water company Hamedan, referring to the amount of rainfall in the province, said: The average rainfall in the province is 377 mm, which last year at that time was 400 and in the long-term average of 34 years was 404 years.
Sotoudeh said: this year's rainfall has decreased by 6% compared to last year and increased by 10% over the long term.
He said: from the groundwater resources of Hamedan province 1,761 million cubic meters equivalent to more than 90 percent in agriculture, 146 million cubic meters, 7 percent in drinking and sanitation, and 59 million cubic meters, or 3 percent in the industrial sector.
Sotoudeh pointed out that the province of Hamedan has 13 plains, of which there are 7 independent plain and 6 shared plains with other provinces.
Managing director of Hamedan Regional Water Company said: "All plains in Hamedan province are forbidden, restrictions on the extraction of water from their underground resources are applied, but 3 Asadabad plains, Razan Ghahavand and Kabot-e-Rang are prohibited because of overuse.
Sotoudeh said that the status of underground resources in these plains has improved relative stability due to the plans for rehabilitation and improvement, and that the continuation of this process requires the coordination and coordination of people and farmers in the region.
Public Relations of Hamedan Regional Water Company

News code: 1309
  News Date : 2018-05-20



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