7% decrease in rainfall in Hamedan province compared to last year

The director of the regional water company Hamedan reported rainfall of 372 mm of snow and rain in the province of Hamedan and said rainfall has fallen by seven percent

According to the report of the Public Relations Department of Hamedan Regional Water Company, engineer Mansour Sotoudeh, from the beginning of the Blue Year 97 96, 372 mm of snow and rain have been laid in the province of Hamedan, but Hamedan has not yet improved the precipitation trend.
He said that during the same period last year and the long-term average was 400 and 341 millimeters, he said: "This year's precipitation dropped by 7% compared to last year and increased 9% compared to the long-term average," he said.
Managing director of Hamedan Regional Water Company said that the status of water resources in Hamedan province is not satisfactory and that there should be serious protection of existing resources. It is necessary for all people to feel the obligation to preserve existing water resources so that they can manage the months and years ahead.
He continued: In the past year, 1,266 million cubic meters of groundwater resources have been consumed in different parts of Hamedan province, which is the most consumed in the agricultural sector.
Sotoudeh added: The groundwater resources of Hamedan province amounted to 1,761 million cubic meters, equivalent to 90 percent in agriculture, 146 million cubic meters, equivalent to 7 percent in the drinking and sanitation sector and 59 million cubic meters, equivalent to 3 percent in the industrial sector.
In another part of his speech, referring to the fact that Hamedan province has 13 plains, he said: Of these, there are seven independent plains and six plains shared with other provinces.
The governor of the Hamedan Regional Water Company said: "All plains in Hamedan province are forbidden, restrictions on the extraction of water from their underground resources are imposed, but the three Asadabad plains, Razan Ghahavand and Kabotrajgh are critical because of the excessive ban.
He said: "The condition of underground resources in these plains has improved due to the actions of the rehabilitation plan and has become relatively stable, which requires continuation and coordination of the people and farmers in the region.
Sotoudeh said about the potential of water resources in Hamedan province according to long-term statistics: Average atmospheric precipitation in Hamedan province is 329 mm and the average volume of atmospheric precipitation in Hamedan province is 6,434 mm.
He said the capacity of the renewable water sources of Hamedan province was 2,907 million cubic meters, saying that the share of surface water was 780 million cubic meters and the share of groundwater was 2 127 million cubic meters.
Managing director of Hamedan Regional Water Company said that the average rainfall of the past year in Hamedan was more than average, and this has not happened in the last 20 years. According to the average annual amount of 6 billion and 388 million cubic meters of atmospheric precipitation in Hamadan province, We are faced with 67% evaporation in the province of Hamedan.
He said the volume of water available to Hamedan province after evaporation was 2 billion and 680 million cubic meters, saying that the share of groundwater from these renewable resources is one billion and 948 million cubic meters and the share of surface waters is 740 million cubic meters.
Public Relations of Hamedan Regional Water Company

News code: 1308
  News Date : 2018-05-20



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