There is not much time to save the groundwater resources of the Asadabad plain

The head of the organization supporting the Asadabad farmer, also saying that there is little opportunity to save the groundwater resources of the Asadabad plain, said: "If the thought of underground aquifers is not the only source of the life of the Asadabad plain, it will be expected that in the next seven years, the Asadabad Plain To desert

According to the Public Relations Department of Hamedan Regional Water Company, Mohammad Ahmadi, referring to the dependence of the Asadabad plain on groundwater aquifers and the absence of a permanent river and dam in the Asadabad Plain, adding that "groundwater aquifers, as the only source of life in the Asadabad plain, are now at high speed due to Excessive consumption is in decline, one of the water challenges and the crisis of the Asadabad plain, can be attributed to its management.
He stated that during the past 25 years, 26 meters of groundwater aquifers in the Asadabad plain had fallen and about 30 centimeters of this plain had been meeting. According to the studies of the regional water company of Hamedan province, each year, more than blue water into the aquifer The Asadabad plain is injected, unfortunately about 40 million cubic meters of plain groundwater aquifers are released.
Ahmadi noted that lack of proper management of water in the plain, reduction of heavier rainfall and farmers' lack of awareness of the disaster of the plain due to the decline of groundwater aquifers, included the challenges of the crisis situation in Asadabad Plain, said: "Nowadays, the plan to save the groundwater resources of Asadabad plain requires cooperation. And the two-way partnership between the people and the authorities, and we should all be responsible in this regard.
Managing director of Asadabad Farmer's Supporting Organization, saying that we can not hide water data and information and decide on water management behind closed doors, added: "Responsibility for journalists, education, universities, dormitories and councils, county councils, relevant departments and In particular, farmers' sense of responsibility can save Asadabad plain from drying out and play an effective role in preserving the ecosystem of the area.
Referring to the fact that the speed of destruction of groundwater resources and aquifers is more than the actions and plans that have been carried out in order to maintain this divine blessing, he said: "while speeding up awareness and education, training, programs, reforming farmers' Equipping agricultural lands with the new irrigation system, equipping all the wells with smart meters, and more ... Blue will not remain in the submarine basins of Asadabad Plain for control and preservation, and should wait for immigration in the near future and its aftermath.
Public Relations of Hamedan Regional Water Company

News code: 1305
  News Date : 2018-05-20



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