The three plains of Hamedan are forbidden

The governor of the regional water company Hamedan said all the plains of the banned province are among the plains of Razan, Ghahavand, Kabot-e-Sarang and Asadabad, the forbidden plains are critical.

According to the Public Relations Department of Hamedan Regional Water Company, Engineer Mansour Sotoudeh at the 2nd National Conference on Water and Outbreak Crisis, declaring that 97% of the world's saltin water and only 3% of the world's freshwater are sweet, said the average rainfall in The country is 240 millimeters per year, which is 330 millimeters per year in the province of Hamedan.

She said: Now, according to a global average of 70 percent of water in agriculture, 10% water and 20 in the industrial sector consumed and while in the province is 90 percent water in agriculture and 10% in households and industry Gets 

Sotoudeh said that the plains of the province are facing a drop in groundwater, saying that the highest water loss is due to the Kabudarahang plain at 41 meters.
Referring to the fact that since the year 1343, 114 billion cubic meters of aquifer reserves have been lost in the country, he said: It is important to note that due to the neglect of this issue in the last 15 years, most of the water has been lost.
Sotoudeh pointed out that 15 projects were under way to restore and balance the groundwater resources of Hamedan. Of these, 11 were in the Ministry of Energy, 3 were in the Ministry of Agriculture and one project was in the field of Geological Survey of the country. .

Sotoudeh said about the water resources scheme in the province, adding that all plains in the province are forbidden, and of these, the plains of Razan, Ghahavand, Kabotrajang and Asadabad are forbidden plains and are at the warning stage.
He noted with satisfaction that the provincial justice system had a good cooperation in the obstruction of the illegally-sited wells. During the past three years, 2 700 and 700 unreported wells were blocked, saving 220 million cubic meters of water and 3,000 tons of water. 700 smart meters are installed in the province.
Managing director of the regional water company of Hamedan province, saying that water management in agriculture should be moving towards reducing consumption, said changing the pattern of cultivation and changing the efficiency of irrigation of agricultural products can be a way out of the water crisis in the agricultural sector.
Public Relations of Hamedan Regional Water Company

News code: 1306
  News Date : 2018-05-20



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