We must adapt and adapt to our existing circumstances

The master of the project for managing the comprehensive and sustainable participation of Asadabad plain groundwater resources, saying that the main thing to be done in this project is the change in farmers' farming and agriculture, said: We must adapt and adapt ourselves to these existing conditions.

According to the Public Relations Department of Hamedan Regional Water Company, Nobuak Wada, at the 29th meeting of the Water Resources Conservation Center in Hamedan province, the second working group of the Mojave Mechanic and the first groundwater cooperation group, referring to the good rainfall in the province "Despite the recent rainfall in this province, we see a decline in drinking water in the dams, while the future weather conditions in the world will be such that we either have too much rainfall or there will be no precipitation at all, and this is not good news, Adopt and adapt to these conditions.
The project's moderator, emphasizing that during the past history of land surveys, there has been a dramatic change in the past two thousand years, he said: "In the coming years, climate instability will be a normal trend, What needs to be done is that farmers should be trained to use optimal rainfall during rainy times.
Pointing out that the objective of managing a comprehensive and sustainable partnership of groundwater resources is to achieve a balance in groundwater, he noted: "Underground water is not an idea and the whole Iranian nuclear facilities have come to the conclusion, so we are the only implementer of this plan." .
The supervisor of education and monitoring continued: the balance of groundwater resources once comes to the point that those who are most concerned with water understand and understand the basic concept of equilibrium, so as long as this change does not occur, we are still in a shortage of problems. So, if we accept that the ways we need to do are change, we can succeed, we must also accept the position that one day we will not be able to respond and we will see the impact of this project in the coming years.
He added: "In order to implement this plan, we will train people who are" facilitators "and send them to the target villages to provide farmers with the necessary training, which will start from April this year and will continue until April 1401, as well as facilitators We train, stay organized, and facilitate ourselves to train others to continue this process. Accordingly, the repetition of this process will gradually expand our goals.
The project's senior expert, pointing out that from now on, with the support of the council of this project, we are reminded: field experts of the Regional Water Company, Agricultural Jihad and Rural Cooperatives are the ones who can direct this project, and my slave with my colleague is training We will be responsible for the project.
Public Relations of Hamedan Regional Water Company

News code: 1301
  News Date : 2018-05-19



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