29th meeting of Hamedan Water Conservation Council

The 29th session of the Water Resources Conservation Council, with the participation of Iranian and Japanese companies' consultants, participated in the project of managing groundwater resources at the venue of the Governor Martyrs Hall.

According to the Public Relations Department of Hamedan Regional Water Company, at the beginning of the meeting, engineer Mansour Sotoudeh, secretary of the meeting, said that since the beginning of the Blue Year 97-96, we had 310 mm of rainfall in the province, which is 22% compared to last year and 6% Percentage dropped.
Managing director of Hamedan Regional Water Company said: "The volume of reservoir of Ekbatan dam is currently 17 million 210 thousand cubic meters, which makes up 51% of the reservoir capacity of the dam. It stated: Ekbatan, Abshineh, Shirinso, Kalan and Mirage is the most important dams that are exploited and used for water and their reservoir capacity is about 97 million cubic meters.
"The total intake in the blue year was 27 million cubic meters, while last year it was 108 million cubic meters, indicating a dramatic drop in water entry to the dams," he said.
Mansour Sotoudeh noted that the total output from the dam was 22 million cubic meters, compared to 90 million cubic meters last year because of dams overflowing, but at present the volume of the reservoir of dams is 72 million cubic meters, the most important of which is in large dams and mirage because of These dams have not been used a lot.
Engineer Sotoudeh pointed out that now 50% of the Ekbatan dam is empty, he noted: "We are currently using 290 liters per second from the drinking water of the dam, while last year we used 150 liters."
He said: "With the participation of the city water and sewage company, the amount of water extraction from the Ekbatan dam for drinking water in Hamedan has already decreased, which is due to the difference in consumption through the rivers and wells of the city, so that in the seasons Ekbatan dam is the drinking water drink in Hamadan city.
He pointed out that a total of 181 meetings were held at the Shahrestan-e-Provincial Council for Water Conservation, and all cities had a good performance over the past years. Last year, 2768 illegal wells were saved, saving 26 million cubic meters of water and 3587 meters on The industrial and industrial wells of Hamedan province were the most installed meters in the city of Asadabad.
Engineer Mansour Sotoudeh remarked: Participatory management project for groundwater resources is one of the projects of the project to restore and balance the groundwater resources, and Asadabad plain in Hamadan province is one of 4 pilot districts in the country, where the project will be implemented.
He added that the project will be implemented by the Murano Miri Corporation in Japan and the Consultant Engineers Consultant for Mashhad for three years.
Engineer Sotoudeh said the goal of the project was to operationalize the groundwater collaborative management system with the initiative and leadership of local farmers and organizations, adding that the full implementation of this project will improve water management and sustainable management of groundwater resources.
Managing director of the regional water company Hamedan, referring to the decision of the government to continue to adapt to dehydration, continued: the adoption of this session will include the control of spring crops, the prohibition of rice cultivation, the delivery of water volume at the ceiling of the operating hours, etc. Made
Sodejad said the reduction of up to 30 percent of the green space in the municipality and administrative departments by the end of this year was another of the laws and said: Defining the pattern of water consumption in order to avoid excessive consumption of water from other decisions.
Managing director of Hamedan Regional Water Company, emphasizing on the fact that the status of water resources is not good, said to the public: Drinking water condition is clear to the public, so that people feel this condition and help in protecting water with due consideration of optimal consumption. They do.

Public Relations Department of Hamedan Regional Water Company

News code: 1300
  News Date : 2018-05-19



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