Head of Hamedan Regional Water Company:

60% of the water required by the city of Hamedan will be provided by the water supply project

The head of the Hamedan Regional Water Company said: about 60% of the water required by the city of Hamedan from the water supply project to Hamedan will be supplied from Talvar Dam.

According to the public relations of Hamedan Regional Water Company; Necessary engineer, head of Hamedan Regional Water Company during a visit to the water supply project to Hamedan from Talvar Dam with the presence of Hojjatoleslam Ahmad Hossein Fallahi; The representative of the people of Hamedan and Famenin in the Islamic Consultative Assembly stated: The water supply plan to Hamedan includes various components such as a transmission line, three pumping stations and a treatment plant. He stated that in this regard, there are 143 kilometers of transmission line, of which 132 kilometers have been done, he said: the start of the remaining 10 kilometers of the transmission line will be on the agenda and will begin with the preparation of pipes. شد. The head of Hamedan Regional Water Company, stating that this project has not had a good process due to several years of credit discussions, said: "Fortunately, the project was reactivated with the visit of the Minister of Energy and we hope to deliver the promised water to Hamedan in 1401." Let's reach. Pointing out that this project is a long-term water supply project with a 25-year horizon, he added: 3600 liters per second of water should be supplied to Hamedan, in the phase where its executive operation is scheduled to start in October, which is 1200 liters per second of water to Hamedan. Will be transferred to overcome the water stress of 1401 and then additional operations will enter the circuit. "10 cities and 159 villages will benefit from this project," he said. "We hope that with this process, the issue of tanker water supply in these villages will be eliminated." The head of the Hamedan Regional Water Company stated in the end: about 60% of the water required by the city of Hamedan will be provided from this project. ** We hope to see an acceleration in the allocation of funds in this area Furthermore, Hojjatoleslam Ahmad Hossein Fallahi, stating that a lot of work has been done in connection with the discussions of Talvar Dam treatment plant and water transfer to Hamedan, said: Over 130 km of water piping from Talvar Dam to near Hamedan has been done. The representative of the people of Hamedan and Famenin in the Islamic Consultative Assembly, pointing out that the most important part of this project is the refinery section; He stated: This project is currently active and we hope that the water problem of Hamedan will be solved as soon as possible. He continued: "With a lot of effort and very large costs, this treatment plant will be set up, God willing, and with this process, the water of Talvar Dam will be purified and will come to Hamedan for use." Hojjatoleslam Fallahi, stating that with the efforts of the Minister of Energy, recent talks with the President and follow-ups, the credit estimates required for this project are presented and we hope that it will be considered in the presidential travel plans to Hamedan and witness the acceleration in allocating funds Let's be in this arena. Addressing the people of Hamedan, he said: "Considering the billions and very high costs for advancing this project, we ask the people to save water consumption so that we can supply them with drinking water." The representative of the people of Hamedan and Famenin in the Islamic Consultative Assembly stated at the end that the transferred water provides only the required water for a part of the cities of Hamedan, Bahar, Kaboudrahang, Marijanj, Famenin and some villages: We hope that the cities in The route of this transmission line will have the ultimate savings in the program. Public Relations of Hamedan Regional Water Company

News code: 1960
  News Date : 2022-02-19



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