Extension of the ban on the development of exploitation of

groundwater resources in the Komijan study area located in the central and Hamedan provinces

The ban on the development of exploitation of groundwater resources in the Komijan study area located in the central provinces and Hamedan was extended.

Following the announcement of the ban No. 700/22732/96 dated 17/4/1396, based on the results of studies and investigations, the decrease of groundwater level and the volume of the reservoir volume in the study area of ​​Komijan continues. Therefore, in order to prevent the increase of groundwater level drop in the mentioned area and according to Article 4 of the Law on Fair Distribution of Water, prohibition of digging deep, semi-deep wells and construction of aqueducts or any increase in water resources (except for the provisions of the executive regulations) The law of annexing an article to the law of receiving some government revenues and consuming it in certain cases and Article 57 of the law regulating part of the government's financial regulations approved in 1984 and notified within the water allocation ceiling) in the mentioned study area according to the plans in the catchment office Central and Eastern Plateau, the parent company of Iran Water Resources Management and the Central Regions Water Company, will be extended for 5 years from the date of completion of the above advertisement (10/25/1400) to 10/25/1405 with the following four quarters. North: From the elevation point of 2696 Qalnjeh mountain along the border of the study area to the elevation point of 2481 winter valley mountain, the elevation point of 2358 Istehri mountain, then to the evangelical mountain, the elevation point of 2172 and then along the mentioned border to the ridge of Qaflanteh mountain. Study areas of Hamedan - Bahar, Razan - Qahvand and Komijan) West: From the mentioned intersection along the border of the study area to the altitude point of 2637 Ouj Imam mountain, the altitude point of 2586 and then along the border of the mentioned area to the ridge of Alipa mountain South: from the ridge of Alipa mountain to the altitude of 2352 and the altitude of 2281 Cherakhoon mountain, then to the ridge of Barat Lab and Imamzadeh mountains and then along the border to the ridge of Leopard Basan and Ozla mountains and from there to the ridge of Qaraqeh mountain Study areas of Shara Block, Arak and Kamijan) East: From the intersection to Incheh Darreh mountain, then along the border of the study area to the elevation point of 2132 Larch mountain and then along the mentioned border to the ridge of Jamalava and Sarigoneh mountains and from there to the elevation point of 2696 Qalnjeh mountain. Public Relations of Hamedan Regional Water Company

News code: 1941
  News Date : 2022-01-24



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