Meeting of the head of Hamedan Regional Water Company with the Minister of Energy

Follow up on the issue of sustainable supply of drinking water in Hamedan in a meeting with the Minister of Energy

The necessary engineer, the head of Hamedan Regional Water Company, together with Alireza Ghasemi Farzad, the governor of Hamedan, met with the Minister of Energy in order to follow up on the issue of sustainable supply of drinking water in Hamedan. According to the public relations of Hamedan Regional Water Company, in this meeting, the issue of water transmission line from Talvar Dam was discussed as one of the approvals of the Supreme Leader's visit to Hamedan province. The governor of Hamedan explained at the meeting that the project started in 1986 after a three-year delay and has not yet been completed and put into operation after 14 years. Ghasemi Farzad added: "Considering the level of groundwater, reserves of dams in Hamedan province and also the amount of consumption required, the completion of the project is necessary for sustainable water supply." The governor of Hamedan, pointing out that the temporary and intermittent supply of water through uncontrolled abstraction from underground aquifers can not meet the needs of the province and will also have many consequences in the future, added: There is a result of the water transfer project from Talwar. Ghasemi Farzad, stating the features of the project and the technical needs and required credits, said: "This transmission line is considered in all respects, including the capacity of water supply by this line, the amount of water consumption in Hamedan, the state of water reserves in the province and the progress of the project." It should be put into operation as soon as possible. In this meeting, the Minister of Energy considered the serious assistance of the Ministry of Energy to provide the required funding for the project and with the necessary coordination between the Ministry of Energy and the contractor, it was decided to complete and operate the Talvar-Hamadan water transmission line as soon as possible.

News code: 1935
  News Date : 2022-01-20



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