Managing Director of Hamedan Regional Water Company:

Continuous review of water supply project to Hamedan / first phase requires 700 billion tomans

The CEO of Hamedan Regional Water Company informed about the continuous review of the water supply project to Hamedan and said: in order to review this project, the workshop and the mentioned project are visited every 10 days.

According to the public relations of Hamedan Regional Water Company; Engineer Mansour Sotoudeh; The CEO of Hamedan Regional Water Company, stating that in order to properly review the water supply project to the city of Hamedan, we visit the workshop and the project every 10 days, said: In these visits, not only the project and the status of the workshop are examined It is also discussed with the contractor, consultant and project agents. He continued: In a meeting we recently had during a visit to the water supply project to the city of Hamedan, important measures during the last 10 days were reviewed. The CEO of Hamedan Regional Water Company, stating that the tender documents for cathodic protection electricity supply have been prepared in this regard, stated: The contractor will put it to tender. Sotoudeh, noting that it was decided to visit 140 km of these lines by the consultant and the contractor and to check the remaining valves and fittings along the line and prepare a checklist in this regard, said: In this regard, tender documents should be prepared by the contractor and cases Will need to be purchased. He pointed out: It was also decided that the loading and transportation of the first section pipes and tender documents would be prepared by the consultant and delivered to the employer within a week, so that the Hamedan Regional Water Company would work with the National Water Supply and Sewerage Company to secure the tender. Be. Sotoudeh stated that a new workshop has been equipped by Khatam Al-Anbia Camp at the site of Talwar Dam and troops and machinery have been deployed. The CEO of Hamedan Regional Water Company, stating that meetings have been held with the National Water and Sewerage Authority to review the original plan, said: In the first phase, it was decided to design and adopt a module of the treatment plant with a capacity of 1,800 liters per second. Sotoudeh pointed out: All plans and shopping lists have been reviewed and announced to the contractor, he added: In this regard, drilling tender documents 10 km from the first section of the transmission line, mechanical operation tender for the first section of the transmission line with a length of 10 km, construction tender Tubes for the first section, tender for the completion and construction of treatment plant clarifiers, tender for the construction of treatment plant sheds and pumping stations, tender for the supply of electricity to pumping stations 1 and 2 and cathodic protection, tender for the purchase, supply of pumps and treatment plant equipment. Cathodic protection and pumping stations are being prepared and are being held in public. In the end, the CEO of Hamedan Regional Water Company, emphasizing that according to these cases, currently the only problem of the water supply project workshop in Hamedan is liquidity, said: over 700 billion Tomans should be injected into this project in the first phase so that the contractor Work to execute all tenders. Public Relations of Hamedan Regional Water Company

News code: 1930
  News Date : 2022-01-09



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