The head of water resources management of Razan city announced;

Blocking 808 illegal wells in Razan city

The head of water resources management of Razan city said: since the beginning of the plan to rehabilitate and balance groundwater resources, 808 wells have been blocked in Razan city and more than 134 million cubic meters have been prevented from illegal withdrawals.

According to the public relations of Hamedan Regional Water Company; Mohammad Reza Shokouhi, head of water resources management in Razan city, said: In the first 9 months of this year, 69 meters were installed in Razan city on the wells covered by this city. Referring to the commitment of the regional water company in line with the three-year document of the province, he said: In this regard, we are witnessing the realization of 73%. The head of water resources management of Razan city, regarding the blocking of unauthorized wells, the goal set in the strategic document for this city also said: in this regard, 42 rings were considered for Razan city, with a blockage of 62 holes in this field, 148% of the target. The strategic document was realized. Shokoohi pointed out: During the last 9 months, the prevention of unauthorized water abstraction was specifically on the agenda, in this regard, 62 illegal wells were blocked, in which 4 million cubic meters of excess water abstraction was prevented. He reminded: "Since the beginning of the plan to rehabilitate and balance groundwater resources, 808 wells have been blocked in Razan city and more than 134 million cubic meters have been prevented from illegal withdrawals." Shokoohi, pointing out that the total number of wells with meters in Razan city is 593 wells, said: the number of modified and modified cases in this city is 87 wells, in this regard, among other cities, we have the first rank. .

News code: 1928
  News Date : 2022-01-05



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