The CEO of Hamedan Regional Water Company announced;

Forecast of 13 billion tomans for water supply to Malayer in the 1401 budget

The CEO of Hamedan Regional Water Company said: in order to complete and complete the remaining works of the water supply project to Malayer, in the budget bill of 1401, about 13 billion Tomans of credit has been foreseen.

According to the public relations of Hamedan Regional Water Company; Engineer Mansour Sotoudeh, CEO of Hamedan Regional Water Company, during his visit to the executive operation process of the internal ring between the drinking water tanks of Malayer city, said: Malayer drinking water transmission system to supply 12 million cubic meters of the dam for drinking water consumption in Malayer city Vector and run. He said that this system includes the Malayer dam with a volume of 45 million cubic meters, a drinking water treatment plant with a capacity of 500 liters per second (average 380 liters per second) and a water transmission line with a length of 38 kilometers, regarding the project He said: At present and in the first phase, 35 km of this line is being operated by transferring 270 liters per second from the Kalan Dam to the reservoir behind the IRGC inside the city of Malayer. The CEO of Hamedan Regional Water Company continued: "Also, part of the wells in Malayer plain are out of operation and the dam water is used for drinking purposes." He pointed out that using the credits of 1400, the inner ring of the tanks behind the IRGC and Pirvilan with a length of 3 km is being implemented by the contractor of the regional water company, in this regard: Finished in between. Sotoudeh, stating that we are completing the pressure control tank of the tanks behind the IRGC and Pirvilan, added: "Also, the project of stabilizing the electricity transmission line of Malayer drinking water treatment plant from Behesht Hajar to Mervil crossroads with the amount of 15 billion Tomans by Fidar Bargh contractor is underway." Is run. The CEO of Hamedan Regional Water Company pointed out: So far, about 235 billion tomans have been spent for this system, including the dam, treatment plant and water and electricity transmission line. Sotoudeh stated that based on the results of experiments, this water has the highest water quality indicators; He stated: In order to complete and complete the remaining works, in the budget bill of 1401, about 13 billion Tomans has been foreseen for this project.

News code: 1927
  News Date : 2022-01-05



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