Save more than 6 million cubic meters of groundwater resources in Hamadan province

The Managing Director of Hamadan Regional Water Company stated: Since the beginning of this year, 212 illegal wells have been blocked, it is expected to reach 600 wells by the end of this year.

According to Hamadan Regional Water Company, Engineer Mansour Sotoudeh said: In recent years, the pressure on the country's groundwater resources to supply the water needed by various sectors (agriculture, drinking and health, green space, industries and services, … ) has increased, so that the water extracted from the wells was much more than the aquifer's renewable water capacity and This has led to the decline of groundwater levels in many plains of the country and the adverse effects such as drying up of springs and springs, deep-water pumping by deep wells with high electricity costs, saline drainage of wells, desiccation of arable lands, The subsidence of the earth and the creation of seams and cracks in facilities and homes in some areas, etc. has been.

Director of Hamadan Regional Water Company added: In 2014, the National Plan for “Restoration and Balance of Groundwater Resources of the Country” was approved by the High Water Council, in which the Ministry of Energy, in cooperation with other relevant bodies (especially Agriculture Jihad ), is required to revive it. And the country's groundwater resources have been balanced and more and more of the country's aquifers are protected.

He stated that Hamadan Regional Water Company was also a pioneer in the implementation of the project: Implementation of the balancing plan for the second half of year 2014 has blocked four wells in the province by the end of the year, saving 263 million cubic meters of groundwater consumption.

He said: Irregular withdrawal of water from unauthorized wells caused a one-meter drop in groundwater levels in the province, including the Assadabad and Nahavand plains.

Sotoudeh announced forecasts of blocking 600 illegal wells by the end of this year and say: Since the beginning of this year, 212 illegal wells have been blocked in Hamadan province, saving more than 6400000 cubic meters of groundwater consumption.

He declared the depth of the blockage of unauthorized wells more than 127 kilometers and said: Most unauthorized wells blocked in kaboodarahang are 1150 wells, Razan is 669 wells and Hamadan is 473 wells.

News code: 1547
  News Date : 2019-08-17



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